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Bowls Drives

About Bowls Drives

The Great thing about Bowls drives, are that you just turn up, register with the organiser, and play


Play outdoor Bowls

Join today and enjoy great company, facilities and offers. You’ll also be supporting your local community

More Information

Wednesday Morning Drive

Every Wednesday Morning there is a drive indoors and outdoors.  simply arrive at 9.45am to Register.


The drive lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes, so you have the afternoon free.

Sunday Afternoon Drive

Every Sunday Afternoon there is a drive outdoors.  Simply arrive at 4.15pm to Register.


The drive finishes at 6pm, then there's time for a drink in the club afterwards.


Club President - Mr Mario Spring

Outdoor Drives organiser - Wayne Burns

Indoor Drives organiser - Bunty Wares

Photo Gallery

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